Beth Tripp – Memphis to Bristol

          During the 1800’s the main source of transportation in America was ...

    Clayburn Peeples – Handicapping Elections

          I read the other day that a 2023 study showed that ...

    Tommy Russell – Where there’s smoke

          As you may have heard “through the grapevine,” I believe strongly ...

    Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast – April 9, 2024

    Listen to the April 9, 2024 Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast here. To access this post ...

    Schools may get extra $1.9m for security—Fire Chief salary range set

    A recommendation once approved to spend $1.9 million dollars on school security…then rescinded…has now ...

    City Board will hear new zoning recommendations tonight

    The Brownsville City Board will consider final passage of two ordinances and first reading ...

    Tennessee Senate has ideas to protect children

    Last week, the Tennessee Senate passed legislation to safeguard children from harmful content found ...

    On the calendar

    •. Thursday, the Brownsville Planning Board meets in a workshop session at 4 PM ...

    Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast – April 8, 2024

    Listen to the April 8, 2024 Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast here. To access this post ...

    New high school gains traction with County Mayor

    “Certainly, the one thing that can provide the greatest bump in economic growth is ...

    Hawkins Lane home raided—DA closes house

    The Judicial Drug Task Force, the Haywood County Sheriff’s Department and the District Attorney’s ...

    Eclipse and Wingtips – witness a near-total Solar Eclipse in Brownsville

    Many will gather—and you are invited—to the West Tennessee Delta Heritage Center to watch ...

    On the calendar

    •. The Haywood County Budget Committee goes into session this afternoon at 5 PM ...

    Brownsville States-Graphic Weekend News Recap – April 5, 2024

    Listen to the April 5, 2024 Brownsville States-Graphic Weekly News Recap here. To access ...

    Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast – April 5, 2024

    Listen to the April 5, 2024 Brownsville States-Graphic Newscast here. To access this post ...

    Industrial Development Board considering $190 million request for new high school

    Haywood County Commissioner Wally Eubanks has asked the Brownsville Haywood County Industrial Development Board ...

    Johnny Shaw’s election bid faces challengers, Walley and Moody unopposed

    The ballots for the state house and senate have unofficially been decided. The qualifying ...