HHS grads sign to play college baseball

    Three members of the 2020 Haywood Tomcats’ baseball team received collegiate scholarships to further ...

    United Way of West Tennessee forms new partnership with Precision Coils

    During the months of June and July, United Way of West Tennessee was excited ...

    Jim McAdams State Farm honors local postal workers

    Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night will stop the mail ...

    Clayton’s army sends love and support

    In mid May, the Pinner family, of Brownsville, received news that devastated the entire ...

    Reading Rescue program bridges the gap of summer learning loss

    The Tennessee State Conference NAACP recognized campers from the Brownsville Boys and Girls Club ...

    Aim Oak Healthcare opens in Brownsville

    When it comes to in-home health care, finding reliable, caring individuals is key and ...

    No Fall Fest this year

    An announcement posted to the Brownsville Police Department’s Facebook page Tuesday night, July 28, ...

    New Covid cases bumping schools tipping point

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—Superintendent of Haywood County Schools Joey Hassell says the schedule for the new ...

    County budget committee struggles with incomplete numbers

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—The county’s budget committee expressed displeasure with this year’s budget process and incomplete ...

    Cops hear the shots—seize guns, arrest kids and an adult

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—Police seized three guns, one of them stolen, arrested two underage teenagers and ...

    Early voting turnout through Monday

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—Through yesterday 581 had voted early in Haywood County. The balloting includes 314 ...

    Courthouse shuttered for Coronavirus cleaning

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—The Haywood County Courthouse has closed its doors until Wednesday due to a positive ...

    Confirmed Covid cases explode in Haywood

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—Confirmed cases of the novel Coronavirus in Haywood County grew by 43% between ...

    County budget under scrutiny tonight

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—The county’s budget committee will review what could be a final or near-final ...

    Haywood added to Coronavirus Red Zone…Governor launches mask campaign

    NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Gov. Bill Lee’s administration has unveiled the latest public service ...

    School safety includes more than distant learning and socially distant attendance

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—According to the data, in Haywood County there have been 28 cases of ...

    Early voters visiting the polls in Haywood County

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—Through yesterday 350 people have voted early in Haywood County; 184 Democrats have ...

    Haywood Schools suspends dress code

    BROWNSVILLE, Tenn.—The dress code is out—at least for now—for Haywood County Schools.  The school ...